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West Northants Council – Cost of Living Support

Cost of Living Support, including household bills, rent, council tax, help with buying food, childcare costs as well as other important daily essentials.

Cost of living support | West Northamptonshire Council (

Tel: 0300 126 7000 (Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm)


Citizens Advice

National and local organisation offering advice on a wide range of issues from benefits, work, debt and money, housing, family, immigration and much more.

Central and East Northamptonshire Citizens Advice is closest branch. 03444 889 629

Citizens Advice

National phone line on 0800 144 8848 which is open from 9 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday.

Citizens Advice – Foodbank

Citizens Advice will be at the foodbank in Towcester on Tuesdays and Friday ready to give confidential advice.  T

12 noon until 2pm, St. Johns Ambulance Hall, Islington Road, Towcester NN12 6UA


Age UK

Age UK Northamptonshire is an independent charity providing support and services to older people in Northamptonshire. 

Age UK offer a wide range of help including day care at home, money management, information and advice on benefits such as attendance allowance claims, advocacy, home help, foot care, handypersons services, exercise classes, transportation and much more. 

Speak to an Advisor 9am to 12pm Wednesday and Thursday on 01604 611207

Age UK Northamptonshire | A local charity helping older people in Northamptonshire

National Helpline 0800 678 1602


Community Law Service (Northampton & County)

Community Law Service (Northampton and County) is a registered charity and an independent specialist social welfare advice provider. The aim of the organisation is to improve the health and wellbeing of local residents through tackling social and financial exclusion, alleviating poverty and advancing education. This is achieved through the provision of specialist advice, casework and representation currently in the fields of Welfare Benefits, Debt, Financial Capability, Energy Advice, Housing and Immigration.

Community Law Service

Tel: 01604 621038


Christians Against Poverty

Christians Against Poverty offer money and debt advice, information on support with the cost of living, debt information and benefits calculator.

CAP UK | Home



StepChange Debt Charity provide free, expert debt advice.

StepChange Debt Charity - Free Expert Debt Advice.

Helpline 0800 138 1111 Monday – Friday 8am – 8pm, Saturday 9am – 2pm.



Turn2Us helps people in financial need to gain access to welfare benefits, charitable grants and other financial help – online, by phone and face to face through partner organisations.

Free easy to use benefits calculator.

Fighting UK Poverty - Turn2us


National Debt Helpline (Citizens Advice)

National Debt Help - Write Off Debt Today


Debt Advice Foundation

Debt Advice Foundation is a registered national advice and education charity offering free, confidential advice to anyone worried about loans, credit and debt.  

Free telephone debt counselling service

Tel: 0800 043 40 50

Debt Advice Foundation - Call Our Debt Advisers Free On 0800 043 40 50


Business Debtline

All Advisors are experts in debt advice and the service is always free.

Tel: 0800 197 6026 Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm

Debt Advice Foundation - Call Our Debt Advisers Free On 0800 043 40 50

Web chat service available



Free debt advice - Payplan help with contacting people you owe money to and arranging lower payments to make things more affordable.

PayPlan | Free Debt Advice and Free Debt Management. IVAs & DMPs

Tel: 0800 280 2816


Mental Health & Money Advice

Clear, practical advice and support for people experiencing issues with mental health and money. 

Mental health and money : Mental Health & Money Advice (



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